Once you have that basic info filled out, you should write a description of the job. This can be much the same as your resume. But as with a resume, don’t only include what your jobdutiesare — write about your accomplishments, your results. That’s what future employers care about. ...
If you want to switch careers, use the LinkedIn summary section to highlight how your past and current positions are relevant to your dream job. If your previous company and job title don't match perfectly with the job description, your summary can show prospective employers how your passions ...
Don't get too caught up trying to pack your description with SAT words and rigid sentence structure. A LinkedIn summary is a conversation starter, so be conversational when putting yours together. 80+ Professional Bio Templates & Examples Create a compelling professional narrative for a proper, ...
When I first received this question, it was before LinkedIn invested time and money into creating resources for college students, including theirLinkedIn for Higher Educationcontent. Needless to say, that is a great resource, but it’s not always easy to find and it can be easy to get lost ...
Table 1. Illustrative examples of activities carried out by students in the LinkedIn educational innovation. Empty CellDescription Activity n.° 1 Elaborate the ‘about’ section of your LinkedIn profile. To do this, previously reflect on the following aspects: 1-What are your professional interests...
28+ LinkedIn headline examples for job seekers, professionals, career changers, entrepreneurs, students, and people who are unemployed We'll start with the basics — choosing the right headline for your situation, but first… Who Am I To Give LinkedIn Advice? That's a good question! There ar...
A LinkedIn summary is a concise description that showcases your personality and professional journey. Located at the top of your LinkedIn profile, it’s an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and make a memorable first impression. You can think of it like the trailer to the movie of you...
This builds on the first element and lets potential clients and customers that come to you know what outcome they can expect when they work with you. In the examples below, we added a short role description for additional clarity. Relationship Coach | I empower successful professionals to have...
tool_consumer_instance_description (School):New Trier High School LTI Custom Attributes When creating an LTI launch URL, you can add custom key/value attributes the launch data includes. We recommend using lower-case names and no punctuation other than underscores when creating a custom attribute....
Use a creative title or job description Sometimes, the kind of work you do needs its own descriptor. Adding a customized title helps you share your skills in a better, more effective way. In this example, Joyce mentions Innvovation Strategist, a title that also incorporates keywords in her...