LinkedIn provides a grid overlay to help you align the photo effectively. 5. Save your changes: After positioning the background photo to your liking, click on the “Apply” button located in the bottom right corner of the editing section. If necessary, you can repeat the editing process to...
2. Add a Background Photo to Grab Attention The background image on your LinkedIn page is free real estate that you can use to advertise your business persona.Of course, if you’d rather just add a photo of your favorite mountain view, that’s cool. But I recommend uploading it to oth...
招聘 解锁全球最大的专业招聘网络,高效吸引和招聘全球顶尖人才 咨询人才解决方案 营销 连接海量商业人群,打造全球品牌 咨询营销解决方案 销售 人工智能提升销售生产力,助力链接全球商业决策者 咨询销售解决方案 学习 通过在线学习大规模提升团队技能,使团队具备全球竞争力 咨询学习解决方案 ...
3Emphasizes your face (by having a solid color or blurred background) 4Conveys your authentic self – wearing clothes you love, with colors you enjoy, in a place that makes you happy 5Showcases your awesome smile 🙂 Tip #5: Use A High Quality LinkedIn Cover Photo Most people know that...
A LinkedIn summary is an introductory summary that includes a profile photo, an optional background photo, and a headline description of yourself. You can also add an About section with one or two paragraphs summarizing your work and career goals. An “Open to” section An “Open to” sectio...
We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support P...
coverPhotoV2 CroppedImage The entity's background cover image. The sizes may vary, so clients should handle the given height and width accordingly. True defaultLocale Locale Default locale of the entity. True description MultiLocaleString Map of locale to localized entity's description. True fou...
Media images are an important part of the LinkedIn API ecosystem. From pictureInfo and backgroundImage in Profile API to logo and coverPhoto in Organization API , these media fields enhance the LinkedIn Developer Platform in many ways and will continue to do so in the future....
Be sure to select or create a personalized profile background photo and add sections for things that make you unique, like licenses and certifications, volunteer experience, publications, honors, and rewards, in addition to your work experience. Make sure your skills are accurate and up-to-date...
"lastModifiedBy":"urn:li:member:123","content": {"spotlight": {"backgroundImage":"urn:li:image:abc","callToAction":"Join Us Now","headline":"Spotlight Ad Demo","landingPage":"","logo":"urn:li:image:abc","organizationName":"LinkedIn Demo","showMemberProfilePhoto"...