POST JSON {"recipients": ["urn:li:person:123ABC","urn:li:person:456DEF"],"subject":"Group conversation title","body":"Hello everyone! This is a message conversation to demo the Message API.","messageType":"MEMBER_TO_MEMBER","attachments": ["urn:...
上面的这段代码演示了如何使用Play的EventSource API来在程序控制器中接受并建立一条连接,再将它置于一个Akka Actor的管理之下。这样Actor就开始负责管理这个连接的整个生命周期,在有事件发生时把数据发送给客户端就被简化成了把消息发送给Akka Actor。 // User B sends a message to User A// We identify the A...
API Request (Beta) This is an advanced action which makes a raw HTTP request that includes this integration's authentication. Action This is an event a Zap performs. Write Create a new record or update an existing record in your a...
POST JSON 複製 { "adInMailContentId": "urn:li:adInMailContent:5118806", "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:194467334", "creative": "urn:li:sponsoredCreative:170358284", "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:508915158" ...
👨💼 LinkedIn API for Python. Contribute to tomquirk/linkedin-api development by creating an account on GitHub.
GET{invitation Urn} sample invitation response JSON复制 {"created":1484671788434,"id":"urn:li:invitation:6227164820370661376","invitee":"urn:li:person:RYZMZJHEsz","inviter":"urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9","lastModified":1484672192563,"message"...
上面的这段代码演示了如何使用Play的EventSource API来在程序控制器中接受并建立一条连接,再将它置于一个Akka Actor的管理之下。这样Actor就开始负责管理这个连接的整个生命周期,在有事件发生时把数据发送给客户端就被简化成了把消息发送给Akka Actor。 // User B sends a message to User A ...
POST Request Body Fields展开表 Field NameFormatDescription message String A message that recommender sends to recommendee. recommendationText String Content of the recommendation. recommendee Urn The recommendee represented in personUrn. recommendeeEntity optional...
LinkedIn API client in PHP A PHP library to handle authentication and communication with LinkedIn API. The library/SDK helps you to get an access token and when authenticated it helps you to send API requests. You will not get everything for free though... You have to read the LinkedIn do...
招聘 解锁全球最大的专业招聘网络,高效吸引和招聘全球顶尖人才 咨询人才解决方案 营销 连接海量商业人群,打造全球品牌 咨询营销解决方案 销售 人工智能提升销售生产力,助力链接全球商业决策者 咨询销售解决方案 学习 通过在线学习大规模提升团队技能,使团队具备全球竞争力 咨询学习解决方案 ...