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WORK_EMAIL The work email address of the viewer. LINKEDIN_PROFILE_LINK The LinkedIn public profile URL of the viewer. WORK_PHONE_NUMBER The work phone number of the viewer TextQuestionDetails Sub-Object TextQuestionDetails is a sub-object in the LeadGenFormQuestion representing text question speci...
Addlocationfield to response for jobs that usealternateLocationsor have customer defined multiple location job rules. Starting June 30, 2024, we will no longer supportcountryCode,postalCode,workRemoteAllowed, andstateschema field. Please uselocationinstead ofcountryCodeandpostalCode.workplaceTypesinstead of...
Discover how LinkedIn Learning delivers a seamless interactive online learning experience. We'll be in touch soon First nameis a required field* Last nameis a required field* Phone numberis a required field* Work emailis a required field* ...
2. What to do when you send a LinkedIn connection request? My first advice is toadd a note only if it’s super relevant. If you have no ideas about what to say, then say nothing. Connection requests without notes get a higher acceptance ratethan connection requests with notes, but that...
Add a Summary Along with listing your work experience, be sure to add a summary section to your profile. This is similar to aresume summary statement; it allows you to highlight your greatest strengths and work experience. You can write your summary in the first person; this is an opportu...
Admins, sub-admins, and curators can quickly find content aligned to learning objectives and assign them to the right learners. They can search using conversational prompts and easily add results to a learning path, collection, or downloadable file. Learn more →Discover...