DSA using C - Linked List - Linked List is a sequence of links which contains items. Each link contains a connection to another link. Linked list the second most used data structure after array. Following are important terms to understand the concepts of
DSA-LINKED-LIST:基本链表操作 Li**ke上传Java DSA链接列表 基本链表操作 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 【计划表】-04-公司年度培训计划表.docx 2025-02-25 21:58:42 积分:1 【计划表】-03-物业公司年度培训计划.docx 2025-02-25 21:41:19 积分:1...
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions 32 Linked List/Q6. Palindrome Linked List/Q6 pallindrome linked list Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ class ListNode: def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):...
B Tree Insertion in a B-tree Deletion from a B-tree B+ Tree Insertion on a B+ Tree Deletion from a B+ Tree Red-Black Tree Red-Black Tree Insertion Red-Black Tree Deletion Graph based DSA Graph Data Structure Spanning Tree Strongly Connected Components Adjacency Matrix Adjacency List DFS Al...
Searching_In_Linked_list.cpp Shortest_Distance_between_2_Nodes.cpp complete_insertion_linked_list_program.cpp complete_insertion_linked_list_program.exe deletion_at_begining.cpp sorted_linked_list.cpp Love Babar DSA Questions Pattern Program's ...
DSA - Useful Resources DSA - Discussion Previous QuizAI Version Next What is Circular Linked List? Circular Linked Listis a variation of Linked list in which the first element points to the last element and the last element points to the first element. Both Singly Linked List and Doubly Linke...
But the program is returning 4320. int reverseNum(Node *head){ int ans=0; int exp=0; while (head!=nullptr){ ans += (head->data * pow(10, exp)); cout<<ans<<"-"; exp++; head=head->next; } return ans; } c++linked-listdsa ...
list.publicItem pop(){Item item=head.item;head=head.next;size--;returnitem;}//Add item to the beginning of the list.publicvoidpush(Item item){Node oldHead=head;head=newNode();head.item=item;head.next=oldHead;size++;}//Return number of items present in the stackpublicintsize(){...
package dsa.linkedlist; publicclass ReverseLinkedListRecursively { publicstaticvoid main(String args[]) { ReverseLinkedListRecursively reverser =new ReverseLinkedListRecursively(); SinglyLinkedList<Integer> originalList = reverser.getLabRatList(10);
Let's see how each node of the linked list is represented. Each node consists: A data item An address of another node We wrap both the data item and the next node reference in a struct as: structnode{intdata;structnode*next;}; ...