The expectation of r2 between adjacent sites is: E(r2)=[10+C(2+C)(11+C)][1+(3+C)(12+12C+C2)n(2+C)(11+C)][34], where C = 4Ner, r the recombination rate, n the sample size, and Ne the effective population size. The average r2(r2¯) at binned genetic distances was ...
Marker polymorphism and recombination rates among individual maps The number of polymorphic markers for individual maps ranged from 168 (USDA-ARS, Vegetable Crops Research Unit, Department of Horticulture, Madison USA) to 713 (ARO) (Table 1). INRA and IRTA maps consisted of 12 LGs, coinciding wi...
3). Therefore, the LD and haplotype information could be valuable resources for ethnicity comparison, tagging SNPs and recombination signals of the osteoporosis-related genes in future studies. In this study, the nonsynonymous cSNPs tended to have a larger proportion of low allele frequencies ...
which is believed to have originated around the Caspian and Black Seas and subsequently spread throughout Europe and south to Iran2. Mazzards have extremely small fruit and are grown for their high value lumber. The three mazzards used in this study also have very soft fruit. Increases...
and preferred grain quality. Large segregating populations are needed in order to incorporate genes conferring tolerance of abiotic stresses in such crosses, which typically show poor recombination. One of the reasons for this could be the linkage/pleiotropic action of abiotic stress tolerance genes to...
In this study, these NILs were used to link the genetic map (Figures 1A and 1B) to the physical map (Figures 1C and 1E) and to identify recombination break points in P-C609-45-2 to demarcate the protein QTL region (Figure 1D). Figure 1 Demarcation of the LG I QTL region. (A)...
On the basis of the estimated genome length calculated from the recombination rates observed in this study (Ge; 1430.6 cM), the average physical distance per cM would be roughly 7.5 Mb. This physical distance per cM in C. japonica suggests that the closest markers we identified may be around...
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is defined as the non-random association of alleles at two or more loci. In cultivated plants, its extent is influenced by mating system, mutation rate, genetic drift, selection, recombination rate, gene conversion, and population size and structure [13]. Recently, ...
It is the narrowest band gap that made the charge in BTH-3 transfer more rapidly, thus efficiently suppressing the recombination of electron–hole pairs. The point could be also confirmed by the highest photocurrent response and the smallest impedance in the electrochemical investigation. Excitingly,...