Linkage and Crossing overectopic recombinationgenetic mappinginterferencerandom segregationsister chromatid exchangesyntenytest crossdoi:10.1038/npg.els.0000815Jürg KohliAmerican Cancer Society
网络连锁与交换 网络释义 1. 连锁与交换 第一节连锁与交换(linkage and crossing-over) 一、 连锁 (一) 性状连锁遗传的发现 W. Bateson(1 906) 在香豌豆两对相对性 …|基于2个网页
This partial map—distributed over 15 linkage groups—has a total length of 1698.8 cM. In line with the fact that males are the heterogametic sex in this species and a reduction of recombination is expected, we observed a lower recombina- tion rate in the males (map length: 1371.5 cM) ...
连锁互换定律(law of linkage and crossing-over) 温馨提示:做题需要 沉着、冷静、细致、认真! 正确答案 点击免费查看答案 试题上传试题纠错 TAGS 连锁互换定律over关键词试题汇总大全 本题目来自[12题库]本页地址:
Muller (1914) proposed that the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes involved the sup- pression of crossing-over between a proto-X and proto-Y. Crossover suppression can evolve through the action of modifier loci that reduce recombination between the sex-determining regions and a syntenic ...
linkage and crossingover 位于同一染色体上的基因伴同遗传的现象称为连锁。由于同源染色体相互之间发生交换而使原来在同一染色体上的基因不再伴同遗传的现象称为交换,在原核生物中多称为重组。连锁和交换是生物界的普遍现象。 连锁对于生命的延续是十分必要的。因为一个细胞中有许多基因,如果它们各个分散,便很难设想...
e and Crossing Over Linkage and Crossing OverLinkage and Crossing OverStrong, L C
Different Rates of Crossing over in Male and Female Gametes of Maize Crossing over was studied in the A2-Bt, A2-Bm, Bt-Pr, and Bm-Pr regions of chromosome 5 of maize. The first two regions lie in the short arm of chromosome ... MM Rhoades - 《Journal of the American Society of Ag...
是指在生殖细胞形成过程中相同染色体上的基因进入同一个生殖细胞中表现出连锁现象。由于形成配子时非姐妹染色单体之间可以发生交换因此可出现基因重新组合的互换现象。在遗传研究中的应用主要是进行连锁基因的定位和连锁遗传图谱的构建等。 是指在生殖细胞形成过程中,相同染色体上的基因进入同一个生殖细胞中,表现出连锁现象...