继续执行brew link pkg-config 返回结果Linking /usr/local/Cellar/pkg-config/0.29.1_2... Error: Could not symlink share/doc/pkg-config/pkg-config-guide.html /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-config is not writable. 五、创建pkg-config 在/usr/local/share/doc/创建pkg-config 继续执行brew link pkg-conf...
1.brew unlink pkg-config 这 命令可以查看pkg-config的文件路径 解决办法: 执行以下命令: brew link --overwrite pkg-config 接下来执行安装命令就可以解决了: brew install mongodb 谨以记录遇到的坑,希望能帮到遇到同样坑的童鞋 参考网站:
Edit: It seems that without pkg-config, --with-ssl=... doesn't work at all for me. The pkg-config + --with-ssl=... combo seems to be the only one working for me right now, the PKG_* env vars don't work and also openssl needs to not be installed, otherwise I am getting: ...
Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2. - libssh2: Provide system link libraries in private for pkg-config · raphamorim/MINGW-packages@cbbbbe1
Fix typo in pkg-config file to properly link the utf8_range libraries See protocolbuffers/protobuf#12439 for more information
Copy link Contributor theartfulcommentedOct 14, 2022 In my case, doing a workaround patch like this, which just removed the space in between fixed the issue: ifself.settings.os=="Macos":# FIXME workaround bug with pkgconfig files and apple frameworks# see https://github.com/conan-io/cona...
Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2. - libssh2: Provide system link libraries in private for pkg-config · AmesianX/MINGW-packages@cbbbbe1