Link-Pro CPA Limited is a team of Certified Public Accountants practicing in Hong Kong providing professional assurance services. We accommodate the needs of international clients with cloud accounting solution. We help start-ups (grow early-stage companies) survive in an environment of high occupancy...
天眼查 LINK LINK-PRO CPA LIMITED 仍注册 报告 监控 中国香港 4万+ 1天前更新 公司编号:2213024 股本:- 注册日期:2015-03-19 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 简介:LINK-PRO CPA LIMITED,成立于2015年,位于香港特别行政区,是一家以从事会计、审计、簿记服务为主的企业。
Link-Pro CPA Limitedis a proud sponsor of Junior Achievement Hong Kong (A Member of JA Worldwide)in 2016-2017. ? Link-Pro CPA LimitedLink-Pro CPA Limited is a proud to participate in Heart to Heart Project organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups since 2016....
LINK-PRO CPA LIMITED (将打开一个新的模态窗口) 取得报价 。将打开一个新窗口。 会计 香港 香港 16-25 Link-Pro CPA Limited is registered as Corporate Practice under Section 28E of the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50. Link-Pro CPA Limited ...
Link-Pro CPA Limited is registered as Corporate Practice under section 20AAZR of the AFRCO for the corporate practice (as defined under section 2(1) of the AFRCO). Ongoing practice and notification requirements The corporate practice is obligated to notify the AFRC for any changes as ...
LINK-PRO CPA LIMITED: 你所报送的关于在中国内地跨省临时执行审计业务的申请函及附件收悉。 根据《财政部关于印发〈境外会计师事务所在中国内地临时执行审计业务暂行规定〉的通知》(财会[2011]4号)及《财政部关于下放境外会计师事务所在中国内地临时执行审计业务审批项目有关政策衔接问题的通知》(财会[2013]25号),现...
He is editor of Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment and Fellowof APS, CPA, and SPSP. Dr. Gordon Flett holds the Canada Research Chair in Personality and Health and he is the Director of the LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research at York ...
Distance and time hampered our approach to the surveys, which limited the number of international interviewees. In addition, the CPA/SPSS analysis requires us to revise some variables and focus more on the components. These findings have important implications for researchers, professionals, and ...
Introduction Despite the high potential of enzymes as biocatalysts, their application in industrial processes is limited due to their moderate stability, high cost and economically non-viable recovery [1,2]. This may be partially solved using immobilized enzymes [1,3,4]. The immobilization of ...
至少拥有财务/会计/审计或同等学历的相关文凭,或者是马来西亚特许公认会计师协会(MICPA)、英国特许公认会计师协会(ACCA)、澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA Australia)或同等资格的专业证书; 鼓励具备会计工作经验但不符合上述要求的求职者申请; 团队合作精神强,注重细节,富有创造力; ...