Google’s AI ChatBot bard makes factual error in first demo. Verge. 2023. Google Scholar Simonite T. AI has a hallucination problem that’s proving tough to fix. Wired Condé Nast. 2018. Google Scholar Weidinger L, Mellor M, Rauh M, et al. Ethical and social risks of harm from ...
wechaty/wechaty: Wechaty 是一个针对 Chatbot Makers 的 RPA (机器人过程自动化) SDK,它可以帮助您在 6 行 JavaScript、Python、Go 和 Java 中创建一个机器人,并提供跨平台支持,包括 Linux、Windows、MacOS 和 Docker。 wechaty/php-wechaty: 是一个面向用 PHP 编写的聊天机器人开发者的对话式...
Browne, R. (2023).All you need to know about ChatGPT, the A.I. Chatbot that’s got the world talking and tech giants clashing. CNBC. Published 8 February 2023. Available Buelow,...
Similar to ChatGPT, it has a conversational chatbot that learns from previous conversations and can understand context. Image Source Its main features include: Flagging inaccuracies. Narrowing down searches by specific sources like Reddit, YouTube...
Our base model Vicuna v1.5, which is an instruction-tuned chatbot, will be downloaded automatically when you run our provided training scripts. No action is needed. Pretrain (feature alignment) Please download the 558K subset of the LAION-CC-SBU dataset with BLIP captions we use in the pape...
php-translation/translator: 翻译字符串的服务,例如 GoogleTranslate 和 BingTranslate August 9, 2022 alphadose/haxmap: 最快、内存效率最高的 golang 并发 hashmap huandu/skiplist: 快速且易于使用的 Go 跳过列表。 pion/webrtc: WebRTC API 的纯 Go 实现 kevwan/chatbot: 用于创建聊天机器人的快速...
php-translation/translator: 翻译字符串的服务,例如 GoogleTranslate 和 BingTranslate August 9, 2022 alphadose/haxmap: 最快、内存效率最高的 golang 并发 hashmap huandu/skiplist: 快速且易于使用的 Go 跳过列表。 pion/webrtc: WebRTC API 的纯 Go 实现 kevwan/chatbot: 用于创建聊天机器人的快速...