Samsung Galaxy:運用新裝置,提升您的生產力 Samsung 推出 Galaxy Book,重量超輕盈、功能超強大,還能隨時保持連線,為您提供有力支援。此外,也與「手機連結」兼容,讓您可以使用智慧型手機或 Windows 電腦輕鬆地切換。 深入了解 隆重介紹 Galaxy Book3 ProGalaxy Book 系列中最薄、最輕且具備智慧型手機般行動力的手提...
Samsung Galaxy phones usually are the first to getnewfeaturesenabled in Microsoft’s Phone Link app that connects Android devices with Windows computers. There is a new one called “Recent Websites” that allows you to easily continue your last browsing session from your phone on your Galaxy Boo...
Screen mirror your phone with Link to Windows Additional features Was this content helpful?YesNo Submit SubmitCancel Continue shopping with Samsung We're here for you Contact Samsung Support Contact us online through chat and get support from an expert on your computer, mobile device or tablet. ...
redmi note 9 connecting via phone link Redmi phones not recognised in Windows 10 latest this is not helpful. where i have to plug in my samsung galaxy note and how i can connect my redmi phone 1s. the above reply is not suitable for my redmi phone. THIRUMALAISESHADRI, Mar 14, 2024 ...
Așadar nu cred că o să renunțe Samsung la această securitate pentru a face mai facilă utilizarea telefonului in momentul in care acesta este conectat la un laptop/PC. 1 Apreciere Răspuns AlphaBlue Samsung Members Star ★★ 14-06-2024 12:34 PM - editat ...
In thisguide, I will explain the steps to connect your Android phone to your laptop or desktop computer running Windows 11. You can also refer to these instructions if the device is running the latest version ofWindows 10. Connect an Android phone to Windows 11 (or 10) ...
The Link to Windows feature allows you to connect your Galaxy phone to your Windows 10 PC. When the devices are synced, you can mirror your phone’s display, make calls, check messages and notifications, and transfer files right from your PC. This featur
starts on your Windows PC and the Phone Link . From your PC, you can connect to select Android, Samsung, HONOR, OPPO, ASUS, and vivo devices with the Link to Windows app that's either preinstalled on your device or that you can download from the Google Play or Samsung Galaxy Store. ...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 Samsung Galaxy Fold Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Surface Duo What devices support Phone screen? Recently released devices:
In response to TomaszT Yes @TomaszT you assumed correctly, the Feedback has been sent I have got the Link to Windows working by uninstalling then reinstalling from the Galaxy Store, which then links to my PC just fine. But the error still resides when going into it via settings On my...