在静态网络中,链路预测是对网络中某一时刻缺少的链路进行预测,以获得网络的全貌。 2.2 Temporal Link Prediction: Problem Definition时间链路预测定义 让G = (V, E)是一个动态的网络,V是顶点的集合和每条边(u, V)휖E代表u和V之间的联系的快照G表示为G1, G2,……从时间步骤1到t,我们如何预测下一个时间...
A survey on link prediction. Vartak S. http://sourabhvartak.com/pdf/A Survey on LinkPrediction.pdf . 2008Sourabh Vartak. A Survey on Link Prediction, University of New York Binghamton, NY - 13902, U.S.A. May 15, 2008.Vartak S.A survey on link prediction.http://sourabhvartak.com/pdf...
Link prediction is an important task for analying social networks which also has applications in other domains like, information retrieval, bioinformatics and e-commerce. There exist a variety of techniques for link prediction, ranging from feature-based
Our private connections can be exposed by link prediction algorithms. To date, this threat has only been addressed from the perspective of a central authority, completely neglecting the possibility that members of the social network can themselves mitigate such threats. We fill this gap by studying...
Link prediction aims to uncover the underlying relationship behind networks, which could be utilized to predict missing edges or identify the spurious edges. The key issue of link prediction is to estimate the likelihood of potential links in networks. Most classical static-structure based methods ign...
Link prediction in biomedical graphs has several important applications including predicting Drug-Target Interactions (DTI), Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) prediction and Literature-Based Discovery (LBD). It can be done using a classifier to output the probability of link formation between nodes. Rec...
[ACM Computing Surveys'23] Implementations or refactor of some temporal link prediction/dynamic link prediction methods and summary of related open resources for survey paper "Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review" which has
To enhance the performance of Internet of Vehicles (IoVs), it is essential to solve some security concerns such as distributed trust management among vehicles. Blockchain, a ledger technology with the characteristics of distributivity, immutability and s
19 considers the similarity-based index as a penalty term adding to the objective function of the NMF, there is no determined interpretations for that. A perturbation-based framework based on NMF20 is proposed, which also could join some similarity-based index for link prediction. As we ...
Link prediction aims to predict the existence of unknown links via the network information. However, most similarity-based algorithms only utilize the current common neighbor information and cannot get high enough prediction accuracy in evolving networks. So this paper firstly defines the future common ...