The deletion process isn’t instantaneous. You’ll have to wait for Niantic to review your request to delete your account. However, once it’s gone, your Pokemon Trainer Club account will no longer have a Pokemon Go account attached to it. At this point, you should be able to link ...
Yes. In Pokémon GO, you can choose what Pokémon HOME account you'll transfer Pokémon to by linking to a Nintendo Account that is also linked to the desired Pokémon HOME account. Each member of your family can...
we will reach 9.8 billion inhabitants by 2050, when the global population of people older than 60 is expected to jump to 2 billion [1]. This growth is expected to stabilize around the year 2100, when we expect to reach the number of 13.2 billion people [2]. In addition, the ...
source link: Go to the source link to view the article. You can view the picture content, updated content and better typesetting reading experience. If the link is broken, please click the button below to view the snapshot at that time. SD RESOURCE GOLDMINE...
In other news, the UK QA Secret Santa was a great success – highlights include: Pokemon trainer badges, a genuinely horrifying 1980’s E.T., a Transformers lunchbox with flask and a Corinthian Kevin Keegan figurine. Audio For Lee Banyard and CIG Audio, December was mostly taken up with...