Hi, I am trying convert the following repo from ardinio platform to ESP32. could some one help out please? https://github.com/psychogenic/EvoLink EvoLink-master (2).zipYou do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post....
Based on #1261 IPv6 support on arduino-esp32 is as complete as ESP-IDF and the needed configuration should be exposed via menuconfig. On current ESP-IDF version, I can configure sample projects to receive IPv6 either via SLAAC or DCHP6 via idf.py menuconfig -> Component config ---> LWI...
`大家好,最近要做毕业设计,是关于将温室大棚中的温度,压力,气压信息通过arduino采集,连接esp8266发送到云服务上,如oneNET,Tlink等等,并能够控制电机开关。在arduino rh123 2018-11-24 23:52:05 Segger J-Link到Tag-Connect TC2050适配器 TC2050-IDC-050 和 TC2050-IDC-NL-050 没有连接引脚...
首先,我们需要了解STM32F103C8T6的内部温度传感器。该传感器通过内部引脚连接到片上系统(SoC)的ADC(模数转换器)单元。这个ADC单元被配置为从内 2024-01-08 13:48:46 STM32F103C8T6连接阿里云物联网平台 STM32F103C8T6连接阿里云物联网平台(1)—阿里云lot Studio控制Web开发分享一下自己使用stm32f103c8t6通过ESP...