To use goals in your Jira project, you’ll need to either have an existing Atlas workspace orsign up to our Platform Experiences early access program (EAP). Align your team’s work to higher-level goals directly in the issue view. Goals help your team understand how their efforts drive im...
To link a goal to an issue in your list: Navigate to the list view of your Jira project. Check that you have the Goals field enabled. How to enable the Goals field Under the Goals column, select the corresponding cell for the issue you want to link a goal to. Search for a...
Unfortunately you cannot create the link under the same command as you will need to get the issue key for the created issue after the post command has completed and you will need to call the rest API below in order to create an issue link. /rest/api/2/issueLink I have created a ...
在Python中检索Jira issuelink的创建日期,可以使用Jira官方提供的Python库"jira"来实现。以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制 fromjiraimportJIRA# 创建Jira连接jira=JIRA(server='',basic_auth=('username','password'))# 获取Jira issueissue=jira.issue('JIRA...
All issues we want to be linked by this automation rule use the "Relates To" link type on Jira. Only an issue link is performed manually to trigger the rule and the other automatic links. And the origin for this manual link action must be from the issue with more ...
This script creates a sub-task in Jira with the minimum fields required, then automatically links the sub-task to a specified parent issue. Example I want to split my team's workload into smaller chunks using sub-tasks; however, it is very time-consuming to do this manually. To save tim...
Jira issue link is automatically created, when Jira issue is mentioned on a Confluence page. However in Changes history for that issue in Jira user, who was used to create Application Link (between Jira & Confluence) is listed as one who created a link from Confluenc...
By default, when creating an issue link, Jira sorts the options in the link type dropdown list in alphanumeric order of the link type's name; there is no option to choose a default link type. While it is possible to work around this by editing the link type and...
获取指向JIRA / Tracker / GitHub等的链接。错误,功能和问题。 将其ID变成按钮。 用法 issue-link内置了对以下内容的支持: 的GitHub 比特桶 GitLab 其他服务。 将问题ID转换为按钮 要将问题ID变成链接到问题的按钮,请激活issue-link-mode : ; ; Or wherever you want issue IDs to be turned into buttons ...
In this case, “TEST-1” is the issue key linking the commit message to the Jira issue.Commits that are part of non-master branches will be included only if the master branch doesn’t have them. As a best practice to work with sub-task — put the parent and sub-task Jira issue ...