+ +The original CSS for this effect [can be found on GitHub](https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/maggieappleton.com-V2/blob/2ff406427709c487af9037f4bdc17e0ef56c2900/components/links/UnderlineHoverLink.js#L22) + +## Getting started + +- Run `npx serve ./src` +- Browse to http://...
Link Nudging $("a").hover(function(){$(this).stop().animate({paddingLeft:"10px"},200);},function(){$(this).stop().animate({paddingLeft:"0px"},200);}); Make sure to change the selector to only target the links you want to have nudging, e.g. “#sidebar ul li a”...
The original CSS for this effect[can be found on GitHub](https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/maggieappleton.com-V2/blob/2ff406427709c487af9037f4bdc17e0ef56c2900/components/links/UnderlineHoverLink.js#L22) ##Getting started -Run`npx serve ./src` ...
And, since SVG can contain its own styles within the markup, the animation can be tossed right there in thebackground-imageproperty, the same way we would do it with CSS in an HTML document head or inline CSS in HTML. We can style it up a little differently, if we’d like: This i...
.button:hover { color: red; } .button:active { color: green; } .button svg { fill: black; } .button:hover svg { fill: red; } .button:active svg { fill: green; } 使用currentColor 之后: svg { fill: currentColor; } .button { ...
CodePen Demo -- CSS3 filter hover IMG blur -- 生成图像阴影 通常而言,我们生成阴影的方式大多是 box-shadow 、 filter: drop-shadow() 、 text-shadow 。但是,使用它们生成阴影是阴影只能是单色的。 有读者同学会问了,你这么说,难道还可以生成渐变色的阴影不成?
Discover 30 creative CSS animation examples to enhance your website with delightful effects. From loading spinners to animated buttons, elevate your design with these inspirational ideas.
I added some additional CSS & HTML magic to the<abbr>elements. Just a simpletabindex="0"and some CSS on:afterfor:hoverand:focusevent, creating a nicetooltip. This helps keyboard or touch device users to easily access thetitleattribute on the<abbr>element. A little sidenote: it’s better ...
The thing is, it wasn’t a JavaScript problem at all, it was a CSS issue. Nicholas C. Zakasdocumented thisages ago: This is where the people at Apple might have been a bit too smart. They realized that there was a lot of functionality on the web relying on hover states and so they...