Google Play Games sign-in is accomplished by obtaining a Google OAuth 2.0 credential using the Google Play Games sign-in for Android APIs on the device and passing it to this API. LinkGooglePlayGamesServicesAccountResult Error Codes NameCode ...
Download the game’s free app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Step 3: Connect your mobile device to your PS4 either by using the same Wi-Fi network as your PS4 console (go to Settings < Network < View Connection Status and check the SSID option to confirm the net...
步骤一:下载GooglePlay服务首先,你需要下载GooglePlay服务的安装包。可以在Google官网或第三方网站下载。下载完成后,将其存放在手机的SD卡或内部存储中。 步骤二:安装GooglePlay服务接下来,你需要安装GooglePlay服务。 有以下方法:把Google Play商店的缓存和数据清除,然后再登录谷歌账号。使用SmartHosts切换host文件。打开...
iOS 的Link to MyASUS App:2.2.1或更高版本(在Apple App Store中下載或安裝,請點擊該鏈接) Android 端的Link to MyASUS App:或更高版本上的MyASUS移動應用(在Google Play商店中下載或安裝,請點擊該鏈接) 網絡要求:行動網路,Wi-Fi,個人熱點和藍牙 支援的行動裝置:iPhone,iPad,Android Phone,Android Pa...
If you're adding another Android device: If necessary, open the Google Play Store, search for Link to Windows, and then download the app. You'll be asked to scan a QR code that's displayed on your PC. To get to that QR code, open a browser on your PC and
• Family Link 提供的工具視孩子使用的裝置而定。如要查看相容裝置清單,請前往 • 雖然你可以透過 Family Link 管理孩子從 Google Play 購買及下載的項目,但在安裝應用程式更新 (包括擴充權限的更新)、你先前核准過的應用程式,或是家庭媒體庫中共用的應...
Pengalaman Phone Link dimulai pada PC Windows dan aplikasi Phone Link. Dari PC Anda, Anda dapat terhubung ke beberapa perangkat Android, Samsung, dan perangkat HONOR tertentu dengan aplikasi Link to Windows yang sudah diinstal di perangkat Anda atau yang dapat Anda unduh dari Google Play atau Sa...
Check that both your Android device and your PC are on Wi-Fi. You'll need to be connected to Wi-Fi in order to download updates. My Link to Windows app shows as malware on my device In certain cased Google Play Store identifies your Link to Windows application as a malware, malicious...
Here’s how to set up your Galaxy mobile device with Link to Windows. Access your quick panel:Swipe downward from the top of your screen to reveal your quick panel, and tap “Link to Windows.” You can also access the feature by opening Settings, tapping “Connections” or “Advanced fea...
If you have already downloaded the companion app to your current device or it has been added to your library, you will continue to be able to play the game with the relevant companion app. Companion apps to the games above are no longer distributed on the Google Play Store to users whose...