The buzz regarding the beloved gaming franchise joining Fortnite’s ever-expanding universe suggests that the series is continuing its recent revival and expansion, and given Disney’s connection to the developers of the two projects, Square Enix and Epic Games, it’s easy to believe this pretty...
In Zelda 2, for the uninitiated, Nintendo tried to bridge the gap between the true, old-school top-down RPG gaming of the first installment, with the hugely popular sideways scrolling beat-em ups that were popular at the time. This meant you explored the environment via a top-down view ...
Accessibility data by Family Gaming Database Show All The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds News 103 Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (27th July) What a horrible night to have a curse 122 Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (20th July) What are Yooka...
my father settling us into a landlocked Southern town I prayed was mere prelude to exalted destiny. I missed the seasonal rhythms of my mother and I trailing my fatherbus-highway-ballpark–airport-motel, our once-epic road trips reduced to day-long visits to the nearby beach towns along the...
It's a relatively small place, with an awesome community where we discuss just about everything related to gaming and gaming news. It's a great place to chill out. It's an open Union, so swing by, and if you like what you see, join us. We'd love to have you. Now, then: [...
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Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Con...
Caillois (1961) called make-belief and free form activities “paidia,” while he called games “ludus.” These terms are often used in gaming literature. The difference is, however, not that clear-cut. Some games have a lot of “free form” elements and others allow little to no different...
“I’ve pretended to be nice my whole career – now I finally get to play myself,” she said. “No, I will not be making the contestants look stupid. They’re perfectly capable of doing that themselves. I love to watch people squirm, and not in a sexy way. I look forward to ho...