andweeb/presence.nvim : Discord Rich Presence plugin for Neovim andythigpen/nvim-coverage : Displays coverage information in the sign column or in a pop-up window antoinemadec/fixcursorhold.nvim : fix neovim CursorHold and CursorHoldI AND decouple updatetime from CursorHold and CursorHoldI an...
The opening scene, a dance-musical, shows Karmen dancing to sabar and Murray’s saxophone at the women’s prison. The sound displays an odd discord yet fitting rhythm of the West African traditional instrument and contemporary jazz. Karmen moves erotically with the beats towards the camera and ...
The final overarching task we have identified concerns a country’s international positioning in the field of AI. This task is slightly different from the previous four because it plays out at a level influenced to some degree by all of them. Myths about
Food safety is a concern worldwide and according to the World Health Organization, developing countries are probably more at risk of foodborne illness because many of these, including those in the Middle East, have limited disease surveillance and prevention and control strategies. Specifically, the ...
Zinzendorf’s Christian Antecedents: Spener’s Pietist Protestantism, Lutheran Protestantism. Luther’s conversion, Augustine’s, and Paul’s. Paul and his Corinthians, Greek ecstasies. From Paul forward to Augustine, Calvin, and Jonathan...