Minimum supported gradle version 4.6 Current version is 4.4. 将gradle版本更新为4.6后,将得到此错误 Cannot add task ':app:reportSourceSetTransformTest' as a task with that name already exists. 我怎样才能避免这个错误。两个不同的文件似乎有相同的任务。但我没有在应用程序级别的build.gradle文件中找到任何...
我的maven配置本地仓库为D:\repository中(见底部的"如何修改maven本地仓库地址"), 为防止下载到C盘默认的目录下, 建议将setting.xml复制一份到C:\Users\用户名\.m2\目录下 当build.gradle中依赖的jar包已经通过maven下载过的, 就不会重复下载了, 但是没有下载过的, gradle会将其下载到配置的路径下, 如下图...
# When configured, Gradle will run in incubating parallel mode. # This option should only be used with decoupled projects. More details, visit # # org.gradle.parallel=true #Tue May 15 12:14:36 CST 20...
ECLIPSE ANDROID PROJECT IMPORT SUMMARY === Ignored Files: --- The following files were *not* copied into the new Gradle project; you should evalua... java jar android eclipse xml 转载 mb5fd86853067b7 2016-03-27 16:14:00 146阅读 2评论 [perl.mak] Error 2 yum install -y perl-Ex...
Setupgradle HiveMind HiveMind is a comprehensive ERP application for service organizations. It includes a project management application featuring project/task, request, a 干货 原创 slp51 2021-07-29 16:41:12 169阅读 SetupGit serve GitHub就是一个免费托管开源代码的远程仓库。但是对于某些视源代码如生命...
how to package a custom Jar task with JIB? I'm using Jib to Containerize the output of some Gradle Jar tasks. This works fine for default Jar task. My issue is we have a custom Jar task hooked into our build process e.g. and I want the output ... ...
AndroidStudio 编译时出现如下问题 SSL peer shut down incorrectly 或者某些jar包下载不下来,一般是因为墙的原因导致的。这时候我们就需要配置镜像来解决这个问题(提高加载速度)。 配置的方法就是在根build.gradle中添加镜像仓库。 可以选择添加阿里的maven 仓库 maven { url ‘ ...
project(':react-native-gesture-handler').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android') android>app>build.gradle dependencies { implementation project(':react-native-gesture-handler')
但是,当我构建应用程序时,Gradle无法解决HATEOAS依赖。下面是我遇到的错误: 错误:java:索引78处的非法char <:>:C:\Users\TempUser\<:>\hateoas\无法解析<:> 这是我的build.gradle文件: buildscript { ext { springBootVersion = '2.0.4.RELEASE' } repositories { mavenCentral() } depen 浏览1提问于2018...
为啥google earth engine 中get link run 显示灰色 在不同的AS中,gradle版本不同,下载的sdk版本不同,这些,都在gradle相关代码里调过来就好。点击Run旁边 Select Run/Debug Configuration按钮,选择 Edit Configuration,于是在model下拉框中选择app,如果下拉框中没有ap