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As we report a series of Hg and δ13Ccarb anomalies over the extended TJB interval, we integrate the previously studied records from other TJB sections to assess whether the Hg load was indeed sourced by CAMP and discuss possible mechanisms of formation and preservation of the Hg signal. Our...
Glaß M, Lukasiewycz M, Reimann F, Haubelt C, Teich J (2008) Symbolic reliability analysis and optimization of ecu networks. In: Proceedings of the conference on design, automation and test in Europe, pp 158–163 Goens A, Khasanov R, Castrillon J, Polstra S, Pimentel AD (2016) Why ...
Brozmanová J (2011) Selenium and cancer: from prevention to treatment. Klin Onkol 24:171–179 Brune D, Kjaerheim A, Paulsen G, Beltesbrekke H (1980) Pulmonary deposition following inhalation of chromium-cobalt grinding dust in rats and distribution in other tissues. Eur J Oral Sci 88:543...