LinkGoogleAccountRequest Google sign-in is accomplished by obtaining a Google OAuth 2.0 credential using the Google sign-in for Android APIs on the device and passing it to this API. 展开表 NameTypeDescription CustomTags object The optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. buil...
Google Assistant:这个很有趣,因为它可以让您控制您孩子的 Google Assistant 是否可以与非 Google 应用程序交互。 Android 应用程序:您可以在此处允许或阻止对安装在手机上的应用程序的访问。这太棒了,因为您可以及时阻止应用程序。这是让您的孩子离开 Instagram 并完成家庭作业的好方法。 位置:一个开关,可以密切关注您...
PvZ 2 uses your Google account to sync game progress across your Android devices. Launch PvZ 2. Select theController iconin the bottom right-hand corner of the main menu. Log in to your Google account. Yes, you can link both devices with the same iCloud or Google account...
Google Play Games sign-in is accomplished by obtaining a Google OAuth 2.0 credential using the Google Play Games sign-in for Android APIs on the device and passing it to this API. LinkGooglePlayGamesServicesAccountResult ApiErrorWrapper
Deep link to an Android app, which is preferentially used to open your app on an Android device. packageName No String Package name of the target Android app, which must be the same as that configured in AppGallery Connect during app creation. openType No int Type of redirection to...
平台:Android 厂商:Google Inc. 中文名:Family Link google family link app顾名思义是由谷歌官方旗下特别开发设计的应用产品,一个专注于安全守护的家长端平台。可以用于管理设备上启用Family Link服务体验,功能丰富,家长可以体验设置屏幕时间限制和隐藏应用程序等等。 familylink官方版简介 google ...
APK,即Android应用程序包,是Android操作系统中应用的文件格式。用户可通过Google Play官方商店或第三方网站下载这类文件。问题在于,相比Google Play等官方渠道,第三方网站下载的APK文件风险极高,可能含有恶意软件,用于盗取个人信息或破坏设备。举个例子,如果“Linkbey Android 版本 APK”是从非官方渠道下载,用户应考虑...
1. OpenGoogle Assistant appand log in your google account. 2. Click Devices (Manage devices that are linked to your Assistant) 3. ClickAdd devices 4. Click[Link a smart home devices] 5. Click the [glass] icon and type in [ASUS Router]. Then tap the searched [ASUS]. ...
If you're adding another Android device: If necessary, open the Google Play Store, search for Link to Windows, and then download the app. You'll be asked to scan a QR code that's displayed on your PC. To get to that QR code, open a browser on your PC and
部分1:复制应用程序的URL在安卓设备上打开Google Player商店。在应用程序菜单中找到并点击图标,打开Google Play。也可以在电脑浏览器中打开Google Play,然后将APK文件下载到电脑上。找到并点击要下载的应用程序。 如果你使用的是 Android 设备,并且没有预装 Google Play 商店,你可以按照以下步骤下载并安装它: 确保连接...