2 Linguistics as Science.Lecture2 LinguisticsasaScience Linguisticsisthescientificstudyoflanguage,includingphonology,morphology,syntax,semanticsand pragmatics.Theessenceofscienceisthescientificmethod–thedispassionate(冷静的,平心静气的)developmentandtestingoftheoriesabouthowtheworldworks.–GregoryMankig 科学...
Linguistics as a Science. Clark,B. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics . 2006Clark,B. Linguistics as a Science[A].Oxford:Elsevier,2006.227-233.Clark,B.Linguistics as a Science. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics . 2006Clark B. Linguistics as a Science [ K ]//Brown K, Barber A,...
语言学是不是科学?Is Linguistics a Science? 王筱湉 语言学/Göttingen‘23/Harvard‘28152 人赞同了该文章 如果问大家这样一个问题:语言学是不是一门科学,我想大部分人心中的答案大概都会是:不是。其实在我自己仔细的学习了语言学之前,我也认为科学应该是物理、化学、生物等等这些方面的研究,和语言学没什么...
In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation; that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. (此题考查语言学作为一门学科其科学性,...
linguistics as science Chaptertwo Linguisticsasascience Objectives KnowingwhatislinguisticsUnderstandingthedevelopmentoflinguisitcsDifferentiatingthedifferenttermsoflinguisticsMasteringthescopeoflinguisticsfromthemicroandmacropointofview Content Ⅰ.Thedefinitionoflinguistics.Ⅱ.Thehistoryoflinguistics.Ⅲ.Importanttermsof...
Linguistic Society of America The Status of Linguistics as a Science Author(s): E. Sapir Reviewed work(s): Source: Language, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Dec., 1929), pp. 207-214 Published by: Linguistic Society of America Stable URL: /stable/409588 . Accessed: 02/03/2013 00:40 Your use of ...
The Status of Linguistics as a Science E. Sapir Language, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Dec., 1929), 207-214. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0097-8507%28 1929 12%295%3A4%3C207%3ATSOLAA%3E2.O.C0%3B2-X Language is currently published by Linguistic Society of America. Your ...
Its purpose is the make general statements regarding the regularities that underlie the infinite variety of this phenomenon we call language. Any scientific study, as it may have observed, is guided by canons of science. 展开 年份: 2020
Young as linguistics is as a science, it has rapidly penetrated into many other areas. 这个用词太赞了,胡哥威武[奥特曼]
a neatness and a regularity which recall theformulae, or the so-called laws, of natural science. His-torical and comparative linguistics has been built upchiefly on the basis of the hypothesis that soundchanges are regular and that most morphologicalreadjustments in language follow as by-...