The meaning of LINGUI- is
Lingui 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 hibschite,hic,hic et nunc,hickory,hidalgoïte,hiddénite,hideur,hideusement,hideux,hidimètre, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 hier,hiérarchie,hiérarchique,hiérarchiquement,hiérarchisation,hiérarchisé,hiérarchiser,hiératique,hiér...
lingui词根 1.词根:-lingu- 【词根含义】:语言,舌 【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语名词lingua, linguae, n(语言,舌)。 【同源单词】:bilingual, language, lingual, linguist, linguistic 2.词根:lingu = language , 表示“语言”, 原意为“舌头” linguist n. 语言学家(lingu+ist) linguistics n. 语言学(lingui...
lingui词根同源词 lingu =language语言 linguist [lingu语言,-ist表示人] 语言学家 linguistie [见上,-ic形容词后缀,…的] 语言学的,语言的 linguistics [见上,-ics名词后缀,…学] 语言学 bilingual [bi-两,lingu语言,-al形容词后缀,…的] 两种语言的 bilingualist [见上,-ist表示人] 通晓两种语言者 bili... @LinguiJS PinnedLoading js-linguijs-linguiPublic 🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript TypeScript4.9k395 swc-pluginswc-pluginPublic A SWC Plugin For LinguiJS Rust6417
1) Lingui 临桂1. On the Literary Creation of the Wang s in Lingui in Qing Dynasty; 清代广西临桂王氏家族的文学创作——“清代广西文学家族”研究之二2. Individual Factors for the Forming of Lingui Ci-poem School——Centered on Wang Pengyun; 论临桂词派形成的个体因素——以王鹏运为中心...
Lingui(2021) 87 min|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Amina, a practicing Muslim, lives with her daughter, 15-year-old Maria. When Amina learns Maria is pregnant and wants to abort the child, they face an impossible situation in a country where abortion is legally and morally condemned. ...
中文名称临桂区外文名称Lingui Area别 名二塘行政区类别市辖区所属地区广西壮族自治区桂林市下辖地区9个镇、2个民族乡政府驻地临桂镇临政路13号电话区号0773邮政区码541199地理位置桂林市西郊面 积2202平方公里人 口47.2万方 言西南官话桂柳片之桂林市区方言、桂北平话之义宁话等气候条件亚热带季风气候著名景点李宗仁故居...
lingui/swc-plugin Star64 A SWC Plugin For LinguiJS i18ninternationalizationicuswcmessageformathacktoberfestlinguiswc-plugin UpdatedOct 30, 2024 Rust Yolk-HQ-old/next-utils Star30 🥩 🍳 A set of Next.js HoC utilities to make your life easier ...
Linguim is a new website that has one purpose: to teach you languages in a new and interactive way. Additionally, we aim to connect people so that you will meet others who share your interest in learning a new language. Welcome to Linguim!