但是我是照抄书上的代码,但是书上显示的运行结果就只有非零解? 占有≠拥有 人中龙凤 11 点完求解得到结果后,回到程序页面去,然后点击菜单栏上“求解”(箭靶形状)按钮旁边的“X=”按钮,在弹出的窗口中将“Nozeros Only”复选框打钩,再点击“OK”,最终得到的界面就是非零解结果...
我的lingo为什么会弹出inproper use of @for() functionmodel:sets:\x05chandi/A1..A4/:a,p;\x05xiaodi/B1..B8/:b,q;\x05links(chandi,xiaodi):c,x;endsetsthese are the data;data:\x05a=12 16 16 20;\x05b=6 5 8 10 6 5 8 6;\x05p=12 16 16 20;\x05q=105 110 108 105 11...
然后运行出现错误:improper use of @for() function,指向目标函数下面那个 @for。新手求指点啊。。 占有≠拥有 人中龙凤 11 @吴丹123wd 修改行后面有加注释,自行查阅MODEL:SETS:PROD/1..2/;TIME/1..12/;PXT( PROD, TIME):DEM, ! Demand;Y, ! = 1 if anything is produced;CAP, !capacity;SC, !
The reason for the error. These error reporting information can prompt the user to detect errors in the program so that it can be modified as soon as possible We give a brief description of the error message for reference purposes only LINGO error number and cause control table Error code ...
Thememoryspaceoftheindexofthe17collectionelementisnotenough Thememorystackspaceofthe18setisnotenough 19indexfunction@INDEXincorrectuse The20collectionnameisnotusedproperly Improperuseofthe21propertyname 22inequalityorequalityrelationistoomuch(forexample,constraint2 ...
!Objective function minimizes COSTS.;[OBJ]MIN=SHIPDC+SHIPCUST+FXCOST;SHIPDC=@SUM(CLINK:C*X);SHIPCUST= @SUM(GLINK(I,H,J):G(I,H,J)*D(I,J)*Z(I,H,J));!Five customers;FXCOST=@SUM(CLINK(I,J):F(J)*X(I,J));!DC balance constraints;FOR(PRODUCT(I):FOR(DISTCTR(...
The @INDEX function expects an optional set name followed by a mandatory primitive set element. Check to see that your arguments comply with these restrictions. IMPROPER USE OF SET NAME. A set name has been used in an improper manner. For instance, you may have attempted to set the name ...
(the error number is not currently used) There are too many zeros in the model The expression is too complex for the stack to overflow Arithmetic error (e.g. 1/0 or @log (-1)) Improper use of 87 @in (it appears to be the same as the error code 52) No solution is stored in ...