Slang Language peculiar to a group; argot or jargon Thieves' slang. Lingo A characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); They don't speak our lingo Slang To use slang. Slang To use angry and abusive language Persuaded the parties to quit slanging and come to the barga...
Utilized mostly by railroaders, it’s a way of speaking among co-workers that involves using railroad terminology, jargon, slang, or argot. Common lingo can vary from one group of individuals to another. Not born of this world, I’ve struggled to understand some of the language the railroad...
Read our dictionary of sports terms, jargon and sports slang for all the major sports. Become the smartest fan with our sports lingo dictionary.
lin‧go/ˈlɪŋgoʊ/[名]《C》〘やや古・インフォーマル〙1隠語, 業界用語→jargon,slang2(外国の)言語 We Care About Your Privacy We and our811partners store and access personal data, like browsing data or unique identifiers, on your device. Selecting "I Accept" enables tracki...
1.the language or vocabulary, esp. the jargon or slang, of a particular field, group, or individual. 2.language or speech, esp. if strange or foreign. [1650–60; appar. alter. oflingua (franca)] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright...
Check out our glossary of figure skating lingo and terms. See common figure skating terms for definitions, jargon, slang & dictionary from
1.the language or vocabulary, esp. the jargon or slang, of a particular field, group, or individual. 2.language or speech, esp. if strange or foreign. [1650–60; appar. alter. oflingua (franca)] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright...
Linguisticslanguage or speech, esp. if strange or foreign:Can you speak the local lingo? See-ling-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 lin•go1(ling′gō),USA pronunciationn., pl.-goes. Linguisticsthe language and speech, esp. the jargon, slang, ...
The language and speech, especially the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual Trying to make spec explain message more usable with small, composable additions. The goal is to provide spec users with more data from errors and give means to render helpful error ...
1 [ling-goh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,plurallin·goes. the language and speech, especially the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual: gamblers' lingo. language or speech, especially if strange or foreign. ...