Lingnan University 学校官网 岭南大学(Lingnan University)成立于1967年,位于香港屯门区。作为香港著名的文理学院,岭南大学在人文学科、社会科学、商学等领域表现出色。学校提供丰富的本科和研究生课程,注重博雅教育和实践结合。校园环境优美,设施先进,为学生提供了理想的学习和成长环境。
Lingnan University 中国-香港-屯门区 查询与自己条件相符的申请案例 查询能办理本校的中介及中介口碑 区域排名 N/A - 世界排名 711-720 QS 1335(USNEWS) 录取率测试 在线问答 学校简介本科申请研究生申请研究生专业艺术生申请 测测我的录取率 申请项目 就读年级 下一步已有4305131 人...
文化研究-硕士 1年 82,000港币 专业详情 国际与发展经济学-硕士MS 1年 170,000港币 专业详情 国际事务-硕士MA 1年 89,000港币 专业详情 工作与组织心理学-硕士MS 1年 138,000港币 专业详情 比较社会政策(IMCSP)-社会科学国际硕士 120,000港币 专业详情 国际银行与金融-硕士MS 159,000港币 专业详情 金融学...
Lingnan University’s Faculties of Arts, Business, Social Sciences, School of Data Science, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Interdisciplinary Studies run undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate programmes. Its liberal arts education model...
“During my time as vice-dean at the University of Southern California’s School of Engineering, I also spent three years on leave as vice-president at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen,” Qin says. “This involved working on a brand-new campus, helping to establish a number ...
Senior Administrative Officer, School of Graduate Studies Hong Kong Fresh graduate Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer, LEO Dr David P. Chan Institute of Data Science Lingnan University 嶺南大學 - Hong KongApply On Company Site Lingnan University is one of the eight publicly funded inst...
overseas learning experiences in top universities in the US and the UK will be available. Specifically, our students will have the opportunities to go on exchange at the University of Bath and attend the International Postgraduate Summer School at the University of Oxford. All these will...
测测专业申请成功率 Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Science 应用社会科学深造文凭 学位类型: 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:Lingnan University(岭南大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ${vMDataUtil.getDomain($common_pc_footer_copyright.get(0).contentJson)} ...
Lingnan University Lingnan University Fundraising Dinner 2015. Raised over HK$3.4 million to support the University’s student development programmes. More information about Lingnan University Fundraising Dinner 2015. Shanghai-HK Future Leaders (Lingnan Elites) Internship Programme 2015. Thirty-six Lingnan...
Following the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, and School of Graduate Studies, the School of Data Science is the sixth school established byLingnan University. It is composed of ...