X-axis of the Lineweaver Burk plot that is reciprocal of substrate concentration, [1/S]. Initial Velocity Initial Velocity during an enzyme-inhibited reaction, V or Vo. Y-axis of the Lineweaver Burk plot that is reciprocal of velocity, [1/Vo]. Maximum Velocity Maximum Velocity of the ...
This is of the form y = mx + c, which is the equation of a straight line graph; a plot of y against x has a slope m and intercept c on the y-axis. A plot of 1/v0 against 1/[S0] (the Lineweaver-Burk plot) for systems obeying the Michaelis-Menten equation is shown in Fig...
Now that programs such as Prism easily do nonlinear regression, the best way to determineKmandVmaxis to fit a hyperbola directly to the substrate-velocity data. Yet the Lineweaver-Burk plot continues to be a useful visual tool, particularly because of its characteristic shifts in the presence of...
The Lineweaver-Burk plot of the reciprocal of the Michaelis-Menten equation is shown below. It is used to graphically determine K m and V max . When V is the reaction velocity at substrate concentration S, the y axis experimental data are expressed asA.V
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineweaver%E2%80%93Burk_plot So if you plot the data as is you will end up with a hyperbole. So, you instead take the reciprocal of the data (1/Vo, 1/{S}) and it gives you a straight line. The data for 1/Vo goes on the Y-axis while 1/{S]...