双倒数作图(double-reciprocal plot):也称之Lineweaver-Burk作图。一个酶促反应速度的倒数(1/v)对底物浓度的倒数(1/[s])的作图。X和y轴上的截距分别代表米氏常数(Km)和最大反应速度(Vmax)的倒数。 组成?假设模板DNA的一条链的碱基组成是A 24.7%,G 24.1%, C 18.5%,及T 32.7%,回答此问题,需要有什么假设...
Double reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burk) plots for direct inhibition of phenacetin O-deethylation (A) and Ki values.Xi, HuangYing, GuoWeihua, HuangWei, ZhangZhiRong, TanJingbo, PengYicheng, WangDongli, HuDongsheng, OuyangJian, Xiao
Because straight-line plots are easier to evaluate than curves, it is convenient to reformulate Equation (6.4) to yield straight-line plots. Two such reformulations can be performed. The Lineweaver—Burk plot is a double-reciprocal plot, obtained by taking reciprocals of both sides of Equation (...
Lineweaver-Burk analysis is one method of linearizing substrate-velocity data so as to determine the kinetic constantsKmandVmax. One creates a secondary, reciprocal plot: 1/velocity vs. 1/[substrate]. When catalytic activity follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics over the range of substrate concentrations ...
In biochemistry, the Michaelis-Menten Equation of enzyme kinetics results in a Lineweaver-Burk Plot, also known as a Double Reciprocal Plot. Here’s an example of one such chart. Lineweaver Burk Plot and Its Components What Is a Lineweaver-Burk Plot? A Lineweaver-Burk Plot is the graphical ...
The relationships between inoculum density of the pathogen versus rate of root infection as affected by several test isolates were analyzed by the Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal plot technique. Results of these analyses suggested that isolates that either enhanced or suppressed root infection by the ...
particularly because of its characteristic shifts in the presence of various types of inhibitors. So we'll create a Lineweaver-Burk plot with data points derived from double-reciprocal transformation, but we'll superimpose a line based upon nonlinear regression analysis, so that it reflects the best...
Michaelis-Menten plot and double reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plot of ursolic acid inhibition of HNE activity.Li FengXiaoyu LiuWeiliang ZhuFujiang GuoRui WangKaixian ChenCheng HuangYiming Li