The on-screen graphics of existing items does not refresh automatically after reloading the linetypes - at least it did not do so for me. I was able to make the change in your template file, as well. The revised version is attached here. David KochAutoCAD Architecture and Revit UserBlog ...
Alfred.NESWADBA in reply to: Anonymous 04-27-2021 08:42 AM Hi, >> but essentially any linetype that isnt solid will not be picked >> up unless I hit a solid part of the line. It should work if: latest AutoCAD updates are installed, for AutoCAD 2020 this is "2020.1.3" ...
Tips: AutoCAD - Complex Linetypes Q: I am an AutoCAD user, but I have trouble to create a complex linetype. Is it possible to make a flow line that looks like --->--->---> something like what I'm showing? - M. K. K-R. A: Yes, it is possible. Here is the steps: 1. ...
If two repetitions do not fit, AutoCAD displays a continuous line instead. It will also expand the line and space segments up to about 125% and center the linetype definition in the center of the given line or segment. Each end of the segment (of at least 0.5X the total li...
if your intent is to eliminate the overlapping of pieces of the shapes on the inboard side of curved areas, you would need to use a different shape that is narrower in relation to its spacing somehow, which would mean that the shapes would not touch , as autocad's batting linetype's ...