Source Lines of Code Counter. Contribute to bytbox/sloc development by creating an account on GitHub.
count code-counter count-lines-of-code line-counter comment-filter blank-filter codecounter Updated Nov 12, 2023 Python alanchenchen / CodeCounter Star 11 Code Issues Pull requests An application to count code in golang(wails v2) or electron-vue electron go vue electron-vue count-lines...
public void ViewMyTextBoxContents() { // Create a string array and store the contents of the Lines property. string[] tempArray = textBox1.Lines; // Loop through the array and send the contents of the array to debug window. for(int counter=0; counter < tempArray.Length;counter++) {...
If you’re only interested in seeing or playing the game, you can find it on my GitHub.The occasionThe Haskell Tiny Game Jam is a game jam which challenges participants to write a video game in Haskell using 10 lines of 80 characters. I happen to love Haskell and code golf (abusing a...
because we're engineers after all. Where I work, it's OK to have typical IT geek quirks, but folks who have a counter productive personality quirks that interfere with getting work done simply don't last long (management included). It's all about getting the job done right and on time...
The complete code for the project can be found here on GitHub. What we’ve covered in this article is merely a glimpse of how React Hooks can boost your productivity and help you build powerful applications with powerful front-end tooling. I have built a more robust chat application in ...
Removing components, which are not essential for our understanding of the core concepts This is what I did in my “Lightweight AngularJS” implementation, which is hosted on GitHub. The code isonly with educational purpose and should not be used in productionotherwise a kitty som...
LINES_OF_CODE)); AstNodeType[] complexityAstNodeType = new AstNodeType[]{ 代码示例来源:origin: octo-technology/sonar-objective-c builder.withSquidAstVisitor(new LinesVisitor<ObjectiveCGrammar>(ObjectiveCMetric.LINES)); builder.withSquidAstVisitor(new LinesOfCodeVisitor<ObjectiveCGrammar>(ObjectiveC...
Now let’s focus on the action.js file. There is the whole logic of the game. On GitHub, you can checkmy action.js filewhere I commented on almost every line about what it does. That is why I am not going to explain line by line here. ...
voiddrawPicture(screen s, color c){structmatrix*picture=new_matrix(3, 5);intstartx =45;intstarty =400;intcounter =1;intsizec =0.5;intlocationc =50;while(counter !=9){ free_matrix(picture); picture = new_matrix(3,5); startx+= locationc;//starty = starty + 25*(7-counter);ad...