mathematicaldescriptionofmaximalmarginhyperplaneandmargin:d(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(xn,yn)xi,yi{1,1} yi1表示xi1;yi1表示xi2 maximalmarginhyperplane:(wTx)b0 margin:Class2 2mw (wTx)b1 Class1 ...
We use the symbol 𝐩′=Φ(Ψ(x′)) to denote the class predictions for the same mini-batch x′ with data augmentation (random transformations) applied to it. We use the letters D, K and N to denote the feature space dimension, the number of clusters and the mini-batch size...
Alternating direction method of multipliersProximal point algorithmHomotopy methodLinearly constrained separable convex minimization problems have been raised widely in many real-world applications.In this paper,we propose a homotopy-based alternating direction method of multipliers for solving this kind of ...