Phonon transportThermal conductivityMCBTE solves the linearized Boltzmann transport equation for phonons in three dimensions using a variance-reduced Monte Carlo solution approach. The algorithm is suited for both transient and steady-state analysis of thermal transport in structured materials with size ...
It is proved that the eigenvalue spectrum of the linearized collision operator of Peierls' phonon-Boltzmann equation has no gap. As a consequence the usual derivation of hydrodynamic equations from a Boltzmann equation is not valid in the case of a phonon system....
This paper is concerned with the derivation of an energy-transport model from the Boltzmann equation for a nondegenerate semiconductor with a parabolic band structure. Electron–electron collisions and elastic collisions (i.e., impurity scattering and the "elastic part" of phonon collisions) are ...
The steady state limit of Boltzmann's equation for a polaron at weak electron-phonon coupling is studied in the ohmic regime. It is shown that the linearization of the distribution function to first order in the electric field, even at arbitrarily small field, necessarily leads to a negative ...