SystemModelLinearize[model] 给出均衡 model 的线性化的 StateSpaceModel. SystemModelLinearize[model, op] 在运算点 op 处进行线性化.
我的理解是主要原因有以下几条:1. linear state space model比较好解,性质良好,鞍点附近能找到收敛解...
Linearize the model using the specified block substitution. Get linsys = linearize(mdl,blocksub,io) linsys = A = State Space( State Space( State Space( 0.9999 -0.0001 State Space( 0.0001 1 B = Step State Space( 0.0001 State Space( 5e-09 C = State Space( State Space( Plant Model...
Chen, Y. 2017. External Habit in a Production Economy: a Model of Asset Prices and Consumption ...
StateTransformationLinearize[asys] 通过状态变换,线性化 AffineStateSpaceModel asys. StateTransformationLinearize[asys, {z, lform}] 指定新状态 z 和线性化形式 lform. StateTransformationLinearize[asys, ..., " prop"] 计算属性 " prop".
Linearize the model and convert the resulting state-space model to zero-pole-gain format. Get sys2 = zpk(linearize('scdmrate',io)) sys2 = From input "Constant" to output "sysTs2": 0.0001057 (z+22.76) (z+0.912) (z-0.9048) (z+0.06495) ...
추천 0 링크 번역 Following answer may help 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시...
linear state-space model object name State space model object representing the linearized airframe model at a specified operating point. Data Types:char|string Limitations This function requires theSimulink Control Designlicense. Version History
state-space models directly from the nonlinear Simulink® and Aerospace Blockset™ model. This saves time and helps to validate the model. The functions provided by Simulink Control Design allow you to visualize the behavior of the airframe in terms of open-loop frequency (or time) responses....
Define linearize. linearize synonyms, linearize pronunciation, linearize translation, English dictionary definition of linearize. tr.v. lin·e·ar·ized , lin·e·ar·iz·ing , lin·e·ar·iz·es To put or project in linear form. lin′e·ar·i·za′tion