S.A. Smolyak, On Optimal Restoration of functions and functionals of them. Candidate Dissertation, Moscow State University, 1965, (in Russian). Google Scholar [15] N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, Banach-Mazur distances and finite dimensional Operator Ideals, Pitman Monographs and Surveys, Vol. 38, 1989....
I need to convert a non-linear function to multiple linear functions with "ax+b" format so then i can use one of them according to the amount of x and calculate the output of original function with an acceptable approximation. is there any things that do this with optimum number of...
considering hidden shift problems that are defined for several classes of highly non-linear Boolean functions. These so-called bent functions arise in cryptography, where their property of having perfectly flat Fourier spectra on the Boolean hypercube gives them resilience against certain ...
The monotonicity of the linear viscoelastic functions, namely, the shear creep compliance, the Young’s relaxation modulus, the stretch creep compliance, the P-wave relaxation modulus, the Lamé’s first function, and the time-dependent Poisson’s ratio, were examined analytically and numerically. ...
You can use these functions to predict future sales, inventory requirements, or consumer trends. Syntax FORECAST.LINEAR(x, known_y's, known_x's) - or - FORECAST(x, known_y's, known_x's) The FORECAST/FORECAST.LINEAR function syntax has the following arguments: Argument ...
,𝑝) be p linear functions of the parameters of 𝑎˜. Assume that the coefficient matrix corresponding to the p linear functions is non-singular. Furthermore, let ≤𝑙𝑒𝑥 denote the lexicographic order relation on ℝ𝑝. Given any two FNs 𝑎˜ and 𝑏˜ (with the same ...
cjlin1/liblinear LIBLINEAR is a simple package for solving large-scale regularized linear classification, regression and outlier detection. It currently supports - L2-regularized logistic regression/L2-loss support vector classification/L1-loss support vector classification - L1-regularized L2-loss ...
The nondefault link functions are mainly useful for binomial models. These nondefault link functions are'comploglog','loglog', and'probit'. Custom Link Function The link function defines the relationshipf(µ) =Xbbetween the mean responseµand the linear combinationXb=X*bof the predictors. You...
template<classRealType=double>classpiecewise_linear_distribution{public:// typestypedefRealType result_type;structparam_type;// constructor and reset functionspiecewise_linear_distribution();template<classInputIteratorI,classInputIteratorW>piecewise_linear_distribution(InputIteratorIfirstI,InputIteratorIlastI,Inp...
// generating functions result_type operator()(); void discard(unsigned long long z); }; ParamètresUIntType Type des résultats entiers non signés. Pour les types possibles, consultez <aléatoire>.A Multiplier. Condition préalable : consultez la section Notes....