linear triatomic moleculedegenerate electronic staterenner-teller effectelectronic wave functionsSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Molecular States with Electronic Angular Momentum The Renner-Teller Hamiltonian Corrections to the Renner-Teller Hamiltonian A Basis for Diagonalization of the...
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Wilson-Howard rotation-vibrational hamiltonian of a triatomic molecule has the very simple form in the limiting case of a linear equilibrium configuration, namely, it is exactly the same as for the H+2 molecular ion with internal electronic motion described by means of two cylindrical coordinates ...
三原子分子激光multiphotonexcitationtriatomic moleculelaserWe have constructed the algebraic vibration Hamiltonian and time evolution operator for the linear triatomic molecule in the intense laser fields by using the quadratic anharmonic model and Magnus approximation. The relations between the multiphoton ...
Rotational Energy Levels of a Linear Triatomic Molecule in a 2Pi Electronic State. HOUGEN J C. The Journal of Chemical Physics . 1962Watson, J.K.G.: The vibration-rotation Hamiltonian of linear molecules. Mol. Phys. 19 (1970) 465 - 487....
linear triatomic moleculedegenerate electronic staterenner‐teller effectelectronic wave functionsdoi:10.1002/9780470142769.ch2John M. BrownDepartment of Chemistry The University of Southampton Southampton, S09 5NH, EnglandFlemming JrgensenDepartment of Chemistry The University of Southampton Southampton, S09 5...
Energy transfer processes in linear triatomic molecule-solid surface collisionsdoi:10.1016/0039-6028(86)90046-4The semiclassical stochastic trajectory method is extended to the study of rotational and vibrational transitions for linear triatomic molecules colliding with non-rigid solid surfaces. Rotational ...
linear triatomic moleculeintense nonstationary laser field conditionBAB-type moleculeVibrational wave-packet dynamics of photodissociation of a linear triatomic BAB-type molecule under intense nonstationary radiation field condition is theoretically studied. We clarify how the wave-packets on the ground and ...
Dynamical entanglement of vibrations in the linear triatomic molecule by the algebraic approach用李代数方法解析研究线性三原子分子振动的动力学纠缠李代数动力学纠缠振动In this paper the dynamical entanglements of anharmonic vibrations in the linear triatomic molecules are researched by the Lie algebraic ...
Infrared multiphoton vibrational excitation of the linear triatomic molecule has been studied using the quadratic anharmonic Lie-algebra model, unitary transformations, and Magnus approximation. An explicit Lie-algebra expression for the vibrational transition probability is obtained by using a Lie-algebra ...