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Furthermore, the proposed test is applied to the Stanford heart transplant data for exploring a linear regression relationship between the logarithm of the survival time and the age of the patients.doi:10.1080/03610918.2010.484118Tizheng Li
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Ridge regression estimated linear probability model predictions of O- glycosylation in proteins with structural and sequence data Rajaram Gana* and Sona Vasudevan* Open Access Abstract Background: To-date, no claim regarding finding a consensus sequon for O-glycosylation has been made...
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Groundwater management decisions require robust methods that allow accurate predictive modeling of pollutant occurrences. In this study, random forest regression (RFR) was used for modeling groundwater nitrate contamination at the African continent scale. When compared to more conventional techniques, key ...
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In practice, 2-PM models are built using linear regression models with random effects that are assumed to be normally distributed, and severities and benefits are calculated with both the fixed effects and the random effects of the model [1, 2]. In addition to being useful for measuring the...
LaboratoryMACHERASLaboratoryWileyPharmacy & Pharmacology CommunicationsValsami, G., Macheras, P., 1995. The geometric mean functional relationship approach to linear regression in pharmaceutical studies: application to the estimation of binding parameters. Pharm. Pharmacol. Comm. , 1 (12): 551–554. ...