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Text: Linear Algebra With Applications, 4th Edition (2008) or 3rd Edition (2005) by Otto Bretscher, published by Prentice-Hall. The newer 5th Edition (2013) of the text may also be used, but HW problems are currently keyed to the 4th Edition. Use the links to the left to find the be...
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A Python 3.6 library for creating and manipulating matrices and dataframes used in linear algebra mathematics and statistics - GitHub - MathStuff/MatricesM: A Python 3.6 library for creating and manipulating matrices and dataframes used in linear algebra
In our specific case, we assumed that children's 4-year trajectories of disruptive behavior, concentration problems, and prosocial behavior are systematic since they follow a pattern over the time period (specified as a reasonably complex function of time), and they are variable because children ha...
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