A linear equation is an equation with two variables whose graph is a line made up of pairs of values that satisfy the equation. Generally, linear equations use x and y for the variables to correspond with the coordinate plane axes.Answer and Explanation: A pair of linear equations in two ...
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An algebraic equation, such asy= 2x+ 7 or 3x+ 2y-z= 4, in which the highest degree term in the variable or variables is of the first degree. The graph of such an equation is a straight line if there are two variables. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
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Since there are only three in this problem, this is not too complicated.We already know one of the vertices, the y-intercept, which is (0, 4). The other two are intersections of the two lines with x=5. Therefore, we just need to plug x=5 into both equations.We then get y=-1/...
are two lines of regression and both the lines intersect at a selected point (x’, y’). The variables x and y are considered. According to the property, the intersection of the two regression lines is (x`, y`), which is the solution of the equations for both the variables x and ...
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Answer to: True or False: If a system of linear equation of two variables has a unique solution, then the representing lines of their equations are...
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