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While each linear equation corresponds to exactly one line, each line corresponds to infinitely many equations. These equations will have a variable whose highest power is 1. The sign of equality divides an equation into two sides, namely the left-hand side and the right-hand side, written as...
This research is conducted with students of the 6th and 7th grades of the lower secondary school of the private school "The British School of Kosovo" in Kosovo. The main goal is to understand the obstacles they face when translating word-problems into algebraic expressions (equations) and ...
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If you thought the world of algebra was all about equations, think again! In a linear equation, the variable can only have one value. But in an inequality there could be many, many more possible solutions! This middle school Math quiz will test how well you understand the symbols, and...
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See the linear equation definition and learn how to make a linear equation. Discover the standard form and the parts of linear equations, and see...
Function Graphs | Types, Equations & Examples Using Linear & Quadratic Functions to Problem Solve Comparing Linear, Quadratic & Exponential Models Parent Function | Graphs, Types & Examples Discrete vs. Continuous Functions | Differences & Examples Create an account to start this course today Used ...