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This research is conducted with students of the 6th and 7th grades of the lower secondary school of the private school "The British School of Kosovo" in Kosovo. The main goal is to understand the obstacles they face when translating word-problems into algebraic expressions (equations) and ...
If you thought the world of algebra was all about equations, think again! In a linear equation, the variable can only have one value. But in an inequality there could be many, many more possible solutions! This middle school Math quiz will test how well you understand the symbols, and...
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The concept of linear equations and inequalities in one variable is first introduced in 6th Grade Mathematics, and gradually, there is a progression through the successive grades from 6th to 12th grade. However, the formulae remain the same, but the complexity of the problem g...
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Despite almost half a century of research into students’ difficulties with solving linear equations, these difficulties persist in everyday mathematics classes around the world. Furthermore, the difficulties reported decades ago are the same ones that persist today. With the immense number of dynamic...
Learn the definitions of linear and direct relationships. Explore the differences of each type of relationship by seeing examples of graphs and equations. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What is a Linear Relationship? What is a Direct Relationship? Comparing and Contrasting Linear and ...