Linear Dependence/Independence 线性相关/无关 令y1(x),y2(x),···,yn(x) 为在区间 I 上定义的 n(n≥2) 个函数 线性无关,若方程 c1y1(x)+c2y2(x)+···+cnyn(x)=0 仅在c1=c2=···=cn=0 时成立 若不是线性无关那么就是线性相关 Wronskian of n functions n个函数的Wronskian 若p_...
independent from one another. There are many ways that dependence occurs, for example, one common way is with multiple response data, where a single subject is measured multiple times. The measurements on the same individual are presumably correlated, and you couldn’t use linear regression in ...