2.3. Nonlinear Transport and Shocks. Perhaps the simplest nonlinear partial di?erential equation is ut + u ux = 0. (2.27) It has the form of a transport equation (2.4), but the wave speed c = u now depends, not on the position x, but rather on the size of the disturbance u. ...
Linear codes from perfect nonlinear mappings and their secret sharing schemes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 51 (6) (2005), pp. 2089-2102 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [6] Chabanne H., Cohen G., Patey A. Towards secure two-party computation from the wire-tap channel International Conference ...
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Nonlinear Regression - Gauss Newton * Now we will generalize the previous discussion of linear regression. Y=Xb+e: more general form of linear model. Definitions of y,X,etc: just writing out equation for many values of i, using vectors and matrices. Vectors are of length ND = # obs. ...
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