Linear and Nonlinear Programming 作者: David G. Luenberger 出版社: Springer US出版年: 2009-12-28页数: 564定价: USD 99.00装帧: Paperback丛书: International Series in Operations Research & Management ScienceISBN: 9781441945044豆瓣评分 8.8 20人评价 5星 30.0% 4星 65.0% 3星 5.0% 2星 0.0% 1星 ...
I. Linear Programming(线性规划) 0. 基本信息 简写:LP 标准形式: (0-1)minimizec1x1+c2x2+⋯+cnxnsubjecta11x1+a12x2+⋯+a1nxn=b1a21x1+a22x2+⋯+a2nxn=b2⋮⋮am1x1+am2x2+⋯+amnxn=bnandx1≥0,x2≥0,⋯,xn≥0 紧凑向量形式: (0-2)minimizecTxsubjectAx=bandx≥0 这里的 ...
《System Signatures and Their Applications in Engineering Reliability》《Applications of Location Analysis (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)》《Inventory Control》《Operations Research in the Airline Industry》《Tutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Operations ...
Linear and Nonlinear Programming 2nd ed - D. Luenberger (1984) 2 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: 8.2 Descent Properties of the Conjugate Direction Method241Substituting A0) into (8) produces=dfQ(x*-x*)=g*~d*a"dlQdk dTkQdk'which is identical with G).|To this point the conjugate direction ...
网络线性与非线性规划 网络释义 1. 线性与非线性规划 ...科学》(Investment science)、《线性与非线性规划》(Linear and nonlinear programming)、《微观经济学理论》(Micro…|基于24个网页
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Chapter 1 Stochastic Linear and Nonlinear Programming 1.1 Optimal land usage under stochastic uncertainties 1.1.1 Extensive form of the stochastic decision program We consider a farmer who has a total of 500 acres of land available for growing wheat, corn and sugar beets. We denote by x1, x.....
linear and nonlinear programming (4) 下载积分: 700 内容提示: Chapter 4DUALITYAssociated with every linear program, and intimately related to it, is a correspondingdual linear program. Both programs are constructed from the same underlying costand constraint coefficients but in such a way that if ...
< Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Third Edition-[Third Edition]-[David G Luenberger, Yinyu Ye]搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
nonlinear programming linear edition nontractable optimization Chapter1INTRODUCTION 1.1OPTIMIZATION Theconceptofoptimizationisnowwellrootedasaprincipleunderlyingtheanalysis ofmanycomplexdecisionorallocationproblems.Itoffersacertaindegreeof philosophicalelegancethatishardtodispute,anditoftenoffersanindispensable degreeofoperatio...