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Keywords: quasi-independent optimization; rayleigh quotient iteration; J-symmetry; random phase approximation; time-dependent density functional theory; inexact linear algebra1. Introduction The Time-Dependent Self-Consistent-Field equations together with models that include some portion of the Hartree-Fock ...
To solve a word problem follow these steps: Step 1Write an expression for the unknown. Step 2Write an equation that relates the unknowns to each other. Step 3Solve the equation. Step 4Make sure you have answered the question. Step 5Check your answers to make sure they agree with the or...
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Linear algebra software designers have been struggling for years to improve the parallel efficiency of LUPP (LU with partial pivoting), the de-facto choice method for solving dense systems. The search for good pivots throughout the elimination panel is the key for stability (and indeed both NoPi...