Linear Algebra Problem Book - Halmos.pdfMesser, RobertHalmos, Paul R
而具有这种能力是我们理解线性代数的本质的最重要先决条件。 Halmos 的这本书通篇强调的都是代数结构、以及如何表达代数结构的问题。除此之外,学习线性代数还应当透彻理解相应的几何问题。线性代数中的几何问题和初等几何与解析几何最大不同是研究几何图形之间的映射转换问题,说通俗一点,初等几何与解析几何研究的是静止的...
P.R. Halmos A Hilbert Space Problem Book (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin (1982) Google Scholar [24] A.S. Householder The Kantorovich and some related inequalities SIAM Rev., 7 (1965), pp. 463-473 CrossrefGoogle Scholar [25] L.V. Kantorovič, Functional ana...
GUILLEMIN.StableMappingsand TheirSingularities. 15BERBERIAN.LecturesinFunctionalAnalysis andOperatorTheory. 16WINTER.TheStructureofFields. 17ROSENBLATT.RandomProcesses.2nded. 18HALMOS.MeasureTheory. 19HALMOS.AHilbertSpaceProblemBook. 2nded. 20HUSEMOLLER.FibreBundles.3rded. 21HUMPHREYS.LinearAlgebraicGroups. 22...
Linear algebra and tensor algebra are inextricably linked. The mechanics of these subjects are similar: linear combinations dominate calculations and change of coordinates (referred to as change of basis in linear algebra) is of primary interest. Some id
Linear Algebra Problem Book || Transformationsdoi:10.5948/9781614442127.005HalmosPaul R.
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Linear AlgebraGehring, F WHalmos, P RDeprima, CHerstein, IKiefer, JLeveque, W
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