Cryptography With Linear AlgebraJohnson, Laura Elizabeth
Join experts in discussing linear and abstract algebra topics. This includes vector spaces and linear transformations. Also groups and other algebraic...
Constructing minimal linear codes is an interesting research topic due to their applications in coding theory and cryptography. Ashikhmin and Barg pointed out that wmin∕wmax>(q−1)∕q is a sufficient condition for a linear code over the finite field Fq to be minimal, where wmin and wmax...
In this study we used matrix transpose in order to develop encryption method in which matrices are used mainly for encoding and decoding. Using matrix transpose in the encryption method was boosted the confidentiality and complexity of the method. In this encryption method, the plain text was ...
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including ways to analyze a matrix of data • A revised chapter on computing in linear algebra, with professional-level algorithms and code that can be downloaded for a variety of languages • A new section on linear algebra and cryptography • A new chapter on linear algebra in probabilit...
simplify cube in quadratic equations What Is the Hardest Math Equation in the World Factoring a quadratic with leading coefficient greater than 1 calculator Algebra pictures log base 2 ti 84 common calculator TUTORIAL PPT tips and tricks for converting percentages to fractions 9th grade al...
A linear algebra attack on the non-commuting cryptography class based on matrix power function[C] //International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology. 2016: 343-354.Liu, J.; Zhang, H.; Jia, J. A linear algebra attack on the non-commuting cryptography class based on matrix ...
Visual cryptographyXORGeneral access structureLinear algebraPerfect contrastXOR-based visual cryptography scheme (XVCS) was proposed to solve the poor visual quality problem without darkening the background in the reconstructed secret image. However, investigations on XVCS are not sufficient. In this ...
Development cryptography protocol based on Magic Square and Linear Algebra SystemCRYPTOGRAPHYMAGIC squaresINFORMATION technology securityGAUSSIAN eliminationFINITE fieldsInformation security cryptographic protocols are very important in the modern era due to the development and advanced technol...