Linear Algebra II Spectral Theory and Abstract Vector Spaces Contents Contents Preface Part I 1 Preliminaries Part I 1.1 Sets And Set Notation Part I 1.2 Functions Part I 1.3 The Number Line And Algebra Of The Real Numbers Part I 1.4 Ordered fields Part I 1.5 The Complex Numbers Part I 1.6...
Linear Algebra 2nd ed. K. Hoffman, R. Kunze (1971) Textbook 2 下载积分:3000 内容提示: 200 Elementary Canonical Forms Chap. 6 simple matrix interpretation, and perhaps we should mention it at this point. Suppose we choose an ordered basis a3 = {(Ye, . . . , ar,> for V such that ...
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These are brief enough to be done in a day’s class or to be given as indepen- ii dent projects for individuals or small groups. Most simply give a reader a feel for the subject, discuss how linear algebra comes in, point to some accessible further reading, and give a few exercises....
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Apostol - Calculus : One-variable calculus,with an introduction to linear algebra : v.1. /-2d ed 被引量: 57发表: 1967年 2 Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra One in s.1.1 is comparison between notions and theorems of linear and non-linear algebras, with the goal to demonstrate thet enti...
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