Lineage definition: lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or extraction. See examples of LINEAGE used in a sentence.
Applying scLT to in vivo systems usually requires that each time point corresponds to a different individual. We relate to this experimental design as “independent clonal evolution” (ICE), as barcode generation proceeds independently in each individual. In contrast to the clonal resampling setting ...
Alternative to these descriptors, a genealogical definition of lineage could be applied. This definition is grounded in the concept of common ancestry and relates more closely to the etymology of the word lineage (linea, meaning line in Latin). For example the description of the common lymphoid ...
A key step in the evolution of sociality is the emergence of a reproductive division of labour, where some individuals commit to reproductive or non-reproductive roles, known as queens and workers respectively in the case of insect societies. An overarching mechanistic hypothesis for social evolution...
Build confidence in every dataset Qlik automatically finds and documents any relationships between datasets and across multiple BI tools. This lineage provides visibility on the source and journey of each dataset. Users can quickly understand the origin, evolution, and meaning of the data. Data engine...
Homo erectusis often referred to as the firstcosmopolitanhominin lineage, meaning the first hominin species whose geographic range had expanded beyond a single continental region. While fossil remains fromH. erectusare found in Africa, like those of earlier hominins, they have also been identified at...
In future studies, the researchers will characterize the interplay between the virus and host through evolution and continue to seek improved vectors for clinical applications. They will also examine the potential of Anc80 for treating liver diseases and retinal forms of blindness. “The vectors devel...
In the future, utilization of a combination of two or more methods should be attempted for a better understanding of human embryology. Different groups use different terms with the same or similar meaning in this field, for example, somatic mutations, somatic variants, mosaic mutations (MMs), ...
Heliusvirales subfamilies in ancient peoples, hunter-gatherers, and urbanized peoples, with significance according to two-sided Fisher exact tests for subfamilies with significant values. Columns represent individuals, with gray color meaning that no Ca. Heliusvirales TerL genes were identified. All ...
. A supplemen- tary analysis based on the IF model (not shown) indicated that the genetic variance among loci within a population/species is positively correlated with the effective population size Ne, meaning that if Ne was overestimated by the ABC analysis, so was the variance in the ...