3 在ArcToolBox下找到Data managerment tools 4 点击Data managerment tools下的feature,在feature下找到polygon to line 5 点击polygon to line,打开polygon to line对话框,选择需要转换的面图层,和输出保存的图层名。6 点击OK等待系统转换完成。可以把转换好的图层加载进来,然后关闭面图层,这时候就可以清楚的看...
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that creates a feature class containing lines converted from polygon boundaries with or without considering neighboring polygons.
GP_PolyGonToline.neighbor_option = "false"; GP_PolyGonToline.out_feature_class = @"C:\Users\ZZY\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\ggg_2"; GP_Tool.Execute(GP_PolyGonToline, null);
以上,我们就得到了作为发货地的该处乌克兰大理石矿XY坐标点。接下去在ArcMap中使用 Feature to Point运算器,将已经在前一步转化过坐标的世界地图Polygon文件转化为依据几何中心位置而运算得出的点文件命名为WorldPoint,注意框选Inside(Optional)选项...
次のスタンドアロン スクリプトは、スクリプト環境で PolygonToLine(ポリゴン → ライン)関数を適用する方法を示した単純な例です。 # Name: PolygonToLine_Example2.py # Description: Use PolygonToLine function to convert polygons to lines, # and report how many shared or overlapping boundary...
Create aPolygonandSimpleFillSymbol. To create thePolygon, create a newPointCollection(com.esri.arcgisruntime.geometry.SpatialReference)with aSpatialReferenceand add newPointobjects to it. To create theSimpleFillSymbol, provide the shape that makes up thesymbol, the interior color of the symbol, and...
このArcGIS 10.7 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。最新のドキュメントをご参照ください。 [ラインの単純化 (Simplify Line)]ツール、[ポリゴンの単純化 (Simplify Polygon)]ツール、および[共有エッジの単純化 (Simplify Sh...
Solved! Go to Solution. Open_RF_sample.zip Reply 0 Kudos All Posts Previous Topic Next Topic 1 Solution by BobBooth1 03-18-2024 06:43 AM You can also make polygons from lines in an edit session. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.1/help/editing/c...
The Simplify Line, Simplify Polygon, and Simplify Shared Edges tools simplify lines and polygons to reduce feature complexity for display at smaller scales. The tools operate by identifying and removing relatively insignificant vertices to reduce feature complexity while retaining inherent character and ...
In some instances, it is necessary to find the number of vertices for each feature in a line or polygon feature class to perform further spatial analysis. This article provides the workflow for the counting of vertices of line or polygon features in ArcGIS Pro. Procedure Start the ArcGIS Pro...